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InfoTech conference

2024 International Conference on Information Technologies

Approaches for usage of ontologies in some domains, working with imprecise, uncertain or vague knowledge

Tatyana Ivanova Ivanova
Technical College of Sofia, Technical University of Sofia
Ontologies are powerful and expressive mechanism for knowledge representation to support artificial intelligence applications. In many practical domains it is natural to use vague, probabilistic or imprecise knowledge. In this research we will discuss approaches for combining crisp, probabilistic and vague theories for modelling and automated reasoning with knowledge in practical domains. We also propose a methodology for mixed modelling of crisp and fuzzy or probabilistic knowledge by ontologies.
Key words:
fuzzy ontology
imprecise knowledge
The full text of the report is included in IEEE InfoTech-2024 eProceedings
and will be available on the IEEE Xplorer DL website