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InfoTech conference

2024 International Conference on Information Technologies

Remote Access of a Greenhouse Automation

Pinar Kirci
Hakan Igdeli
Bursa Uludag University
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa

The formation of a suitable air conditioner environment for the growth and development of plants in greenhouses is provided by controlling the variables such as tempeature, relative humidity, and sunshine in the greenhouse. However, the climatic data desired in the greenhouse constantly change due to the effects of the sun, temperature, rain, etc. outside the greenhouse. Controlling variables from one hand is both difficult and costly. In this study, an automation is created to ensure that variables such as temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation in the greenhouse are sensed with the help of sensors and remain within the desired intervals. This automation was implemented on a greenhouse model. The digital and analog data to be obtained from the sensors will be processed in the project and the data can be viewed on the computer screen. In addition, with the help of an android interface application created, remote access was provided to keep the system under control.

Key words:
remote access