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InfoTech conference

2024 International Conference on Information Technologies

Environmental Sustainability: Attitude of Bulgarian IT Students

Elena Somova
Denitza Charkova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv
The work of IT practitioners has positive impact in the environmental sustainability through applying IT technologies to improve sustainability and through reducing the environmental impact of IT, but also it has a negative impact – through supporting and working for damaging sectors. The goal of the paper is to present research on young IT professionals’ attitude towards sustainability in one Bulgarian university. A survey is conducted for: Sustainability awareness, Sustainability at university, Sustainability in employers, Ethical concerns, Practical concerns, and Community behavior.
Key words:
environmental sustainability
fossil fuels
IT sector
technical sustainability
The full text of the report is included in IEEE InfoTech-2024 eProceedings
and will be available on the IEEE Xplorer DL website