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InfoTech conference

2024 International Conference on Information Technologies

Personalization of Lifelong Learning in school educational platform

Todorka Glushkova
Evgeni Valchev
Irina Krasteva
Department of Computer Technologies, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”
This paper presents a personalized approach to lifelong learning in a school education platform. The considered approach is presented in the BLISS platform, which is an adaptation of the Virtual Physical Space (ViPS) reference architecture and is prototyped as a cyber-physical and social system. Users interact with the system through their personal assistants. The presented platform can implement personalized training through an adapted Learning Management System (LMS); an e-Diary modelled by blockchain technology, as well as a customized Test system.
Key words:
Cyber-Physical Social System (CPSS)
Lifelong Learning; personalization
The full text of the report is included in IEEE InfoTech-2024 eProceedings
and will be available on the IEEE Xplorer DL website