Applications of BIG DATA in renewable energy based on cloud computing
Tarun Shakthi Sreedhar
Saiful Islam
Meron Atomsa
Elaheh Yazdan Doust
Mohamed Suliman Elnaim
Shomesh Mishra
Venkata Naresh Vemparala
Rupali Bajpai
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Citation of this article:
Sreedhar, T.S., Islam, S., Atmosa, M., Yazdandoust, E., Elnaim, M.S., Mishra, S., Naresh, V., Bajpai, V.R. Applications of BIC DATA in renewable energy systems based on cloud computing. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol. 16, no. 3, 2024, pp. 121-128. DOI: 10.59035/NALD6541
Sreedhar, T.S., Islam, S., Atmosa, M., Yazdandoust, E., Elnaim, M.S., Mishra, S., Naresh, V., Bajpai, V.R. Applications of BIC DATA in renewable energy systems based on cloud computing. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol. 16, no. 3, 2024, pp. 121-128. DOI: 10.59035/NALD6541